Sunday, January 16, 2011

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About Corruption:The Meaning Using The Rico Law

by admin on 14/01/11 at 2:06 am
About Corruption: The Meaning Using  The Rico Law
The meaning about Corruption is   the abuse of a public office for personal gain or other illegal or immoral benefit. Political corruption is a recognized criminal offense, their are manys forms of corruption,  one may escape publice eyes , such as the “RICO LAW” , this  illegal acts often associated with corruption in office. Whenever a person accepts a political appointment or wins election to an office, he or she must take an oath to uphold the public trust. While this may sound noble on paper, enforcement of this oath can prove problematic.
Rico corruption is a natural state of being., don’t believe me,  look at History, it  is filled with examples of Rico corrupt  and public officials as well as  people working for Government Department, hidding this corruption.
This Corruption may be display in many way’s one is   the abuse of Power with different Government Department within hidding a corruption and hidding the RICO Law is in United States Department of Western Region Dept at the Health & Human Services  and also Department of Agriculture  the U.S. Department of Justice [Investigations Division] of Civil Right in Wasington DC Department.Their are more Government Department , that I have send my letter’s and email too them, only for the different Government Department , to say we won’t  handle this “Rico Law’ also  One Person that work for the Government Department  , said you have prove this “Rico Law well, Should these folk’s have  integrity within the governmental body here in United State of American.
In the United States (US), the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a federal law enacted to give extended penalties in the prosecution of organized criminal acts. The RICO Act is codified as Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the US Code, which deals with federal crimes and criminal procedure. Although it was intended to be used for the Mafia and others engaged in organized crime, RICO has been used to prosecute all sorts of criminal activity since its inception.
At the time, Congress’ goal was to eliminate the ill-affects of organized crime on the nation’s economy. To put it bluntly, RICO was intended to destroy the Mafia.
In the 1980′s, however, civil lawyers noticed section 1964(c) of the RICO Act, which allows civil claims to be brought by any person injured in their business or property by reason of a RICO violation. Any person who succeeded in establishing a civil RICO claim would automatically receive judgment in the amount of three times their actual damages and would be awarded their costs and attorneys’ fees. The financial windfall available under RICO inspired the creativity of lawyers across the nation, and by the late 1980′s, RICO was a (if not the most) commonly asserted claim in federal court. Everyone was trying to depict civil claims, such as common law fraud, product defect, and breach of contract as criminal wrongdoing, which would in turn enable the filing of a civil RICO action. to depict practically any wrongdoing  or fraud.
During the 1990′s, the federal courts, guided by the United States Supreme Court, engaged in a concerted effort to limit the scope of RICO in the civil context.
It increases criminal penalties and allows civil claims to be pursued by injured parties against individuals, businesses or groups for actions taken as part of a criminal organization. An individual can be charged with racketeering under RICO statutes if, within a 10-year time frame.
My Activism Site  was made just so I can let the world know the truth, inaddition I did  file a  Legal complaint within  the 10 years fram time.
Under Construction About Corruption

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