Thursday, January 13, 2011

Our History

Our History  at

This Activism Site was created to expose the truth  about sexually assaulted, on February 10, A police office Fratinardo found the Victim unconscious  at her two bedrooms apartment and the Paramedics where called , this same Police man Fratinardo meet the  Victim at the  hospital. Yes this Female Victim was  TIE & STRAP DOWN on the  [Paramedics Gurney] some folk call  it the [stretcher] like aimal. Yes Beating  due to her race and sexually assaulted,, ON WAY TO HOSPITAL BY RACISM Parmedic, name Rapozo. Futhermore their was the corruption Parmedic that drove the  Parmedic truck , AND  Office Fratinardo &  Parmedic Rapozo they are  still on the job today, all who engaging in illegal act  part of [Rico Corruption ]under illegal Crime using the law from” RICO ACT’”.
 After the fact ,This left the Victim on Disability and she  lost her Business  of  houskeeping income and also her two bedroom apartment,  due to being victims of abuse of Corruption of Power andThen Hidding this Corruption in this  American State. I will show all Goverment people , Dr and Hospital Report ,} Senator of her District paper work also  a letter of Complaint of Misconduct brought by the Public to Fire Department as well as the “ Fire Commission” & letter to Secretary to the Fire Commission and let not forget letter to “Fire Chief during that time” also Complaint Number and Photo, Mayor and [email,l send too them; President  and  Vice President  , how about paper trail phone call too the White House also email too the  speaker of House, different Senator in American Cities, as well trying to connect, with Europe email and web page.,  Truth by Paper work and email and return letter, I have it  all ,some received email and letter.Yes I have copy’s all the paper send to them.
 My web page is  to show support, which gives hope to all victims of abuse of Power and Corruption using the “RICO LAW”, also show you how , these folks  have engaging in political corruption and obstruction of Justice. I will let the world know about it and  how to seek and  “GET JUSTICE” with what happened with this  sexually assaulted.
The history begin Feruary 10, and the mission was born on that day and year ,thus gave Birth to  my Acivism Site/CowserCorparation.Com begin to{ Show that  any} lawness State in American running wild in the Dark will come to Light BY the  Public Eye, it call web page, Blog, email, its is almost ready.
I will examining this cover-up from the abuse victims who has face discrimination, and by seeking to follow the inclusive, universal path , by promoting safe environment of abuse victims and to let them know I will promoting and obtain justice  and letting the governance be aware as well as the sexually assaulted,  Abuse victims will received financial help due to this  abuse and Corruption using the “RICO LAW”.
This is about having Integrity in world and letting Corruption people know , what done in the Dark will come to the Light!
See Paper when web page comptete, if their no justice

Under Construction About Abuse of Power & Corruption

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